How to Exercise Outdoors in Winter Weather ?

Remember how much you enjoyed being outside during winter as a kid.Children are less bothered by the cold and more excited about the prospects of getting out there and making the most of snow, rain, and even hail. Winter's weather excites children and enthuses them to make snow angels, sled down hills, and to learn to ski, skate, and snowboard. Follow their lead and become reinvigorated by the fun promised by winter exercising and outdoor play.


Staying cooped up indoors all winter isn't beneficial for your health and can leave you more exposed to illnesses doing the winter rounds. Getting out and about gives you a chance to breathe fresh air, to see new and varied sights (beats cabin fever), and gives you a sound mind and body workout.

  • If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), getting outside and exercising will help to reduce the symptoms by introducing more daylight to your system and by involving you in activities that are fun and exciting.
  • For those trying to keep their weight under control, exercising in the cold burns more calories because you need to move faster and constantly to remain warm; as well, many winter sports require you to tackle different terrain, including snow.
  • Exercise can help keep colds and flus at bay, provided you don't overdo it.
Dress for the occasion. Insulate your body properly when exercising outside in the winter. Wear multiple layers so you can remove one as your workout intensity increases and you get warmer. Don't let your clothes prevent you from moving, though.
  • Don a thin, synthetic fabric shirt as your first layer. This type of clothing keeps sweat off your skin. Then put on a fleece or wool sweatshirt for your second layer and a lightweight, water-resistant jacket after that.
  • Wear gloves and thick socks to prevent frostbite, as well as a headband to protect your ears.
  • Invest in winter-ready footwear with good grips to prevent slipping on ice.

Skiing is a thrilling sport that can satiate anyone's need for an adrenaline rush relying on slopes and a pair of skis. What's more, skiing can benefit people of all ages, from around the age of four up to 104, and you can choose slopes to suit your skill level.
And if you're more into the lack of slopes or simply prefer gentle, little slopes, try cross-country skiing too. Cross-country skiing is the winter equivalent of riding a bike, as it gives your lower body a great workout, while the use of the poles gives your arm, back and chest muscles a good workout too.


Ice skating is graceful, enjoyable, and a workout without your mind realizing too much that you're actually burning up calories whizzing around the rink. Ice skating is proof that exercise is fun.

Walk in winter. No need to stop your treasured walks just because it's cold outside. Bundle up, find good walking routes, and keep your body fit with this gentle yet very effective exercise. Bear in mind that you might need to wear cleats or rugged boots if crossing icy areas; talk to your local running or walking store specialist for advice.

Go snowshoeing. Snowshoeing is a cross between walking, hiking, and nature viewing for the winter. It's hard work, especially when you're a beginner but it gets easier with practice. It's highly rewarding and it definitely keeps you fit. As an added benefit, you'll often get to walk in places where the winter wildlife can be spotted, making this an excellent opportunity for nature lovers to take photos or even make quick sketches.


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