Skin facts you should be aware about

Having flawless skin is something that most womendesire. But when you live in a metropolis like Mumbai where pollution, stress and fastpaced lifestyles are inescapable, having no skin complaints is almost next to impossible. While following the cleansing, toning and moisturing routine is de rigeur, you need to do more than just that.

First, however, it is imperative that you know your skin well. For instance, did you know that the outer most layer of your skin replenishes itself every month? And that the skin, which protects your skin from external injuries needs to be looked after well. This doesn't just mean applying a moisturising lotion or an aniseptic cream and slathering on some sunscreen. Healthy skin also has a lot to do with what you eat and drink. Which is why ensure that you pile your plate with plenty of fresh fruit and green, leafy vegetables. When it comes to liquids, excessive caffeine and alcohol can leave your skin dull and lifeless with lots of creases.

If you follow a healthy diet and still find yourself staring into the mirror and wondering why your face is looking more creased than usual, it could point towards low bone density postmenopause, say studies. Research also suggests that while saggy skin could be the precursor for high blood pressure, wrinkles could be the result of your skin not producing adequate elastin, a protein that is responsible for keeping your skin smooth. Another possible reason for wrinkles is not getting enough sleep. Ask yourself if you get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep daily. Apart from wreaking havoc on your skin, sleep deficit can cause a host of other health problems.

Indian women, especially tend to ignore any unusual changes in their skin, an aberration that may have grave consequences. If you notice a mole or any odd growth, don't wait for it get worse or show any symptoms! It's always a good idea to get it checked by your doctor, who will be able to ascertain whether it needs further investigation.

While your college years may have been rampant with acne and pimple issues, not everyone is lucky enough to leave them back in their teens. Adult acne is very much an issue and can actually get worse as you grow older. In fact, as you approach menopause — for some women this can be as soon as their early 40s — a drop in your estrogen levels with no significant change in the testosterone levels can cause you to have a bad acne breakout. Ask your dermat if you need to switch to products that contain retinol, which opens the pores and fights acne.


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