
Showing posts from December, 2016

Universal Truths We Have to Remember

1. Pain helps you grow What doesn’t kill you – makes you stronger. The old saying encapsulates this truth but forgets to mention one thing; To be able to overcome pain, you must embrace it and allow it to pass over you. If you try to ignore the pain, you’ll end up losing a part of yourself, a part that is very difficult to reconnect with later. Accept the hardship, explore your pain, and once the waves of sadness die down, you will be given a new lease on life. 2. Fears are an illusion Fears will only get stronger if you let it. You are always in control of your fear, so don’t let it control you back. Fear can serve you, by keeping you alert in dangerous situations, but unless physical harm may come to you or your loved ones – you must let fear know who’s boss. 3. Nothing lasts forever Love, pain, troubles, success – it is all transitory. Take joy in the good times, and accept the bad times, for they, too, shall pass. 4. Struggles are nothing more than steps on the

Ways to Boost Your Running Stamina & Endurance

1. Gradual Progress The key to building running stamina without facing the risks of injury and/or burnout is to “train smart”—it’s all about adapting the gradual approach principle. In fact,  if you are looking for one overreaching principle of stamina building, then look no further than the “Gradual Progress” rule. This smart training approach entails that you must aim to slowly and steadily increase mileage and speed while being consistent, patient the entire time. That’s it. That’s the essence of gradual adaptation. This is a universal principle and it applies to all runners, whether you are a beginner trying to make it around the block for the first time, as well as the 80-minute half-marathon runner who’s prepping for his upcoming marathon. Therefore, all of the training guidelines I’m sharing with you below should be approached with this mindset. Otherwise, don’t bother reading on. You will be setting yourself for failure and blame it on me! I’m warning you here.